Monday, April 18, 2011

Monday Minutiae

On a Beatles forum I sometimes post on, there is a thread about our favorite "little things" from the songs. These are some of *my* favorites - if you want to read the whole thread, you can find it here .

  1. In "Hey Bulldog" when they sing "big man" and Ringo says "Yup!"

  2. The chatting and barking at the end of "Hey Bulldog".

  3. After the third time Paul sings the line "Why Don't We Do It In The Road", when he says "hmm?" (maybe he's saying "mmm", but I like to picture him with a naughty face saying "hmm?")

  4. Towards the end of "Why Don't We Do It In The Road" when Paul screams in a really high pitch "WHY don't we do it in the road?"

  5. In "If You've Got Trouble" when Ringo says "Aw... rock on... anybody."

  6. The count-in to "Taxman" when George counts slow, Paul coughs and John counts real fast in the background.

  7. All the "hey la's" at the end of "Hello Goodbye".

  8. In "What Goes On", Ringo sings "Tell me why" and you can hear someone say in the background (I assume it's John) "I'll tell you why!"

  9. In "Obla-Di, Obla-Da" after Paul sings "...lets the children lend a hand" you can hear George saying "arm!" and John saying "foot!"

  10. John's whistling at the end of "Two Of Us".

  11. The way George sings "something", "lacking" and "whacking" in "Piggies".

  12. George saying "One more time" at the end of "Piggies".

  13. In "Don't Pass Me By", you can hear Ringo counting the beats until the drum fill - at the drum fill, he says "oop" and John says "Give it more".

  14. Right after the opening of "Lovely Rita" when John goes "ahh".

  15. The perverted moaning at the end of "Lovely Rita".

  16. In "Dig A Pony", the part where they sing "because" in a really high pitch, then Paul sings "Woo!" and John goes "Ahh!"

  17. On "I've Got A Feeling" - "Oh yeah (oh yeah) that's right!" Then right after that, "Oh no! (NO) Oh no!"

  18. In "I've Got A Feeling" the whole verse of: "All these years I've been wandering around the world, Wondering how come nobody told me, All that I was looking for was somebody who looked like you." (Paul's voice in this part almost makes me love him even more than I love George, but not quite)

  19. Then in the verse after that, when he sings "I've Got a Feeling" and it sounds like he's trying not to laugh.

  20. Then of course, the last line in "I've Got A Feeling": "oh my soul... it's so hard."

  21. In "For You Blue" when George very unenthusiastically says "go Johnny go" during John's solo.

  22. In "For You Blue", George's little laugh after he says "Elmore James got nothing on this baby!"

  23. The "She loves you, yeah yeah yeah" at the of "All You Need Is Love".

  24. At the end of "I Feel Fine" you can hear Paul in the background barking like a dog.

  25. John's background vocal in "Yellow Submarine", especially the line "in our yellow!" then his crazy laugh.

  26. John's little "aahs" before the last two choruses in "Ticket To Ride".

  27. That one "yeah" at the end of "It Won't Be Long" when Paul's voice cracks.

  28. At the end of "Helter Skelter" when Ringo yells "I've got blisters on my fingers!"

  29. In "Old Brown Shoe" - the two times during the song where John yells out "hey!"

  30. John's vocals in "Twist and Shout" - I know it's because he had an awful cold, but it's sexy.

  31. John's groan in "A Hard Day's Night".

  32. John's "mmmm.." when he sings "A Hard Day's Night".

  33. The way George says "Tchaikovsky" in "Roll Over Beethoven".

  34. When John yells "Great!" in "Polythene Pam".

  35. The "oh, look out!" at the beginning of "She Came In Through The Bathroom Window".

  36. I love how Ringo's voice is the one that you hear above the rest in "Carry That Weight".

  37. On the anthology version of "Something", when George sings "you're asking me will my love grow.. I don't know, I don't know.. da-dum dum dum dum dum".

  38. John growling "come on, come on" the third time around on "Please Please Me".

  39. Ringo's "ahh.. Rock on, George, one time for me" in "Honey Don't."

  40. Paul laughing as he sings the line "writing 50 times" in "Maxwell's Silver Hammer".

  41. The "ah-oh-hold me" in "Eight Days A Week".

  42. John's desperate "Yeahhhhhhhh" in "I Want You (She's So Heavy)" followed by an almost inaudible shout by one of the other Beatles in the background, just before they launch into the final repeating riff.

  43. In "Norwegian Wood", the chuckle right before "so I looked around and I noticed there wasn't a chair".

  44. On "Good Day Sunshine" when Paul sings, "She feels good" it sounds like John says, "yes!" which makes Paul laugh slightly when he then sings, "She knows she's looking fine".

  45. George's moans at the end of "While My Guitar Gently Weeps".

  46. The "twist it" "what?" "twist it" "ah" "shake it" at the beginning of "Sgt. Pepper (Reprise)".

  47. John saying "bye" as Paul is counting in on "Sgt. Pepper (Reprise)".

  48. George saying "band.. band... bandband" at the end of "Sgt. Pepper (Reprise)".

  49. George's accent on "Northern Song": "it doesn't really matter what clothes I wurr or how I furr or if my hurr is brown..."

  50. "Got the wrong chord, f-ing hell" in "Hey Jude".

  51. How you can tell Paul wants to laugh on the last couple of lines of "When I'm 64", right after he sings "mine forevermore".

  52. John's deep voice during the line in "And Your Bird Can Sing": "When your bird is broken, will it bring you do-o-own.."

  53. Anthology version of "Rocky Raccoon" - "Meantime, back on the table!" Paul making the gunshot sound, "sminking of gin" "however" - everything about that version, really.

  54. Paul's "aaahh" right after he sings "of good Rocky's revival" in "Rocky Raccoon".

  55. The way George says "secret" in "Do You Want To Know A Secret"

  56. The humor in "Young Blood".

  57. The way George counts "one, two" before beginning the last verse of "Within You, Without You."

  58. Paul at the end of "I Want To Tell You": "I've got tiii-iiii-iiime"

  59. I like how John's pick touches one of his guitar strings at the end of, "Act Naturally", causing the string to go, "Zzzzzing!".

  60. When Paul almost fails a high note in the harmony of "If I Fell".

  61. The laugh at the end of "Within You Without You".
And for those of you who made it this far, here is a video of the Beatles "Every Little Thing":

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